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Date: 8/28/2024
Subject: News from IAMPETH – Scholarships, Certificates & New Archives!

Hello, fellow pen lovers!

It's an exciting time of year for IAMPETH! Please see below for important announcements and dates for you! 

It's scholarship time!


IAMPETH is thrilled to support the practice and preservation of calligraphy with our annual scholarship opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned calligrapher or just starting out, all skill levels are encouraged to apply—this isn’t a juried competition!

Apply from September 1 through November 15 for your chance to receive a valuable scholarships and take your calligraphy skills to new heights!

IAMPETH Scholarship Program


Scholarship opportunities include:
  • General Scholarship: $1,000 to help cover expenses for attending the annual conference. 
  • International Scholarship: Up to $3,500 for international members to assist with conference fees, standard airfare, and hotel accommodations. 
  • Penman’s Legacy Scholarship: A $500 award given in memory of a notable penman, usable as a gift certificate to John Neal Bookseller or Paper and Ink Arts, or to offset conference expenses. Two grants are awarded annually.
  • Tate Scholarship: A $500 award for a ten-year period (2016–2025), available as a gift certificate to John Neal Bookseller or Paper and Ink Arts, or for conference expenses.
  • NEW – Calligraphy Community Scholarship: A $500 award to honor our generous community, usable as a gift certificate to John Neal Bookseller or Paper and Ink Arts, or for conference expenses.
To qualify, you need to be an IAMPETH member for at least one year by September 1, be 18 or older, have some calligraphic experience, and not have received a scholarship in the past 5 years. 

It's certificate season!


Our Certificate Program is the perfect way to challenge your skills, refine your technique, and deepen your study of the calligraphic arts.


Submit for certificates in the following categories: Engrosser’s Script, Spencerian Script, Business Handwriting, Foundational Hand, Old English, Illumination & Borders.

IAMPETH Certificate Program


The program offers a unique opportunity to test your skills and aim for specific certificates. Each entry is reviewed by a set of judges who will provide invaluable feedback in addition to scoring your entry.


NEW for 2024!

  • Unlimited Entries: You can submit as many entries as you like each year—just one per category will be accepted.

  • Open to 1-Year Members: Previously, you needed to be a member for three years before participating, but now you can pursue a certificate after one year of membership.



September 12, 2024

Check your email for a big announcement!


October 2024
Keep an eye out for the next Penman’s Journal


October 31, 2024
Certificate submissions must be postmarked


November 15, 2024
Scholarship Applications due

July 7-12, 2024
76th Annual Conference, Norfolk, VA

Not a member?
If you love the art of handwriting, we'd love to have you join IAMPETH!